I read in bed just about every night before I go to sleep. Novels: one hour, and lights out.
Theology: 15 minutes, and I'm out. King Ahasuerus was having trouble going to sleep after
the feast that Queen Esther had prepared for him, so he has someone read to him. Uh oh! Mordecai
saved his life, and nothing has been done for the man. He asks his top advisor, Haman, how to
honor someone. Haman thinks he's the one to be honored, so he makes an extravagant suggestion.
He's mortified when Mordecai gets the honor. Then things get a lot worse for old Haman. King
Ahasuerus and Haman are having dinner with the most beautiful and gracious woman in the whole
country - the king's own Queen Esther - and he asks her for a third time what she wants. This
time she lays it on the line: she wants her life, and those of her people. Things get bad for
Haman very suddenly, and then they get worse.